Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Goals vs.Obstacles

Okay. Last week we talked about becoming clear on our goals and putting them on paper. I will assume that everyone has now taken that action and is referring to them at least twice a day (upon rising in the morning, and in the evening before bed). What a great way to begin and end the day. The first thing you feel in the morning upon reading the goal is inspiration and purpose. The last thing you feel before shutting your eyes is excitement and joy. These are all very powerful emotions.
Now let's suppose in between waking in the morning and retiring in the evening you actually have some obstacles come up throughout the day (some people will call this drama)!! How do you handle it? Do you freak out and break into a sweat ? Are you anxious and overwhelmed? Do you feel like your life just isn't fair and that other people don't have to deal with all this stuff? If you are like most people you get caught up in your drama and end up becoming a victim of your "situation" rather than being a creator of your reality. This is where a clear vision of your goals will keep things in perspective and allow you to remember what your purpose truly is.
Picture the boss walking in and telling you that you are going to have to stay late to finish up a project. You have plans this evening and now work is throwing off your schedule. Instead of going off the deep end and breaking into a cold sweat, remember your vision and thank your boss (mentally not out loud) for keeping you so in touch with your purpose. Close your eyes and see your goal after having achieved it and what you feel like having achieved it. Do this for five minutes and then with a clear head get back to the task at hand. You will accomplish the bosses goal and at the same time you have identified clearly in your mind your own desire and the reason it is so important to you.
An obstacle can never overpower your vision when you are passionate and committed to it. Until next week, keep living life on purpose.

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